History of Germany Part-3
Louie the pious would not rule as strongly as his father had and would often have to struggle to keep the empire together against an array of enemies assembling from outside his empire and even against his own sons.
Louie was not a harsh ruler but he was quite simply not the right man for the times in fact he is said to have wanted to have been a priest rather than member. He died in 840 AD. After a series of external and internal Wars, he had tried to leave the Empire to his eldest son to prevent the collapse of Christian Europe but his other sons rebelled successfully against this decision two years following the Battle of Fontenoy in 841.
The kingdom was divided into three with a treaty of their Doon Charles. The bald would rule the western portion Letarte the lands in the center and Ludwig the lands in the east specifically the regions east of the Rhine and north of Italy Bavaria Franconia Saxony and Swabia. This event is considered a very significant milestone in German history. East and west Frankia now with different languages and cultures would be basically permanently severed and were on a path to develop into separate nations France and Germany. Ludwig would later receive the old roman title guerre monica's which meant conqueror of the Germans. Ludwig is promptly known as Louie the German or Ludwig their Deutsche and German or lieu defeat the mites in check. At this time, As the German identity was in a very important stage of coming together the peoples of Europe disagreed on what exactly to call this variety of people with similar cultures and languages. This issue was never really resolved and today there remains a variety of names for Germany in different languages which are seemingly unrelated this Treaty of their doom while it provided stability would not end the conflict between the three brothers permanently and fighting would continue on and off in fact after Charlemagne.
Germany's history for the next few centuries will be marked by constant conflict Germany or East Frankia would be surrounded by rivals at various times fighting Norse Vikings the Slavs which would later include groups such as the Moravians and polish the Magyars now on Ludwig's doorstep the northern Italians the Saracens or Muslims the Byzantines and the West Franks or later the French to name the main ones arguably. East Frankie is biggest enemy though was itself divisions among family would constantly fracture and divide the land threatening Its very existence for centuries . It was not long before the kingdom of Middle Frankia will be broken apart. It was the least stable of the three and had even less cohesion than that of early France and early Germany which though facing division had at least similar languages and ethnic groups many different ones were forming in an awkwardly formed territory, now encompassing the Netherlands down to Italy the territory of Lorraine however between modern france and germany is a corruption of Lotharingia and this region still carries a name of lotar which is more obvious in a modern German name not ringin Ludwig and Charles eventually sees Lorraine and divided it in a Treaty of Merson this would not solidly dispute over the region though in fact it would be a constant cause of conflict for over a millennium Ludwig the German died in 876 and as you probably expect at this point his kingdom was divided among his sons Ludwig the younger carlomon and Karl who would sometime later be known as Karl they're Ditka or in English Charles de fĂȘte who actually briefly reunited Charlemagne's empire and became Holy Roman Emperor not so much because he was a great Conqueror but because every other heir in Germany in France had died.
Carl would be the last to rule over a united Frankish Empire in the 1860s. The Magyars had finally reached East Frankia raiding a territory mercilessly and centering their power not far away in the modern nation of Hungary which the Magyars would later be responsible for founding much of Karl's reign was spent dealing with them as well as Vikings whose raids by now reached the city of Aachen in which Charlemagne had centered much of his empire and where his palace was built as well as Paris and the Rhineland things were not going well for Carla his rule was brief his lifelong struggled with sickness and epilepsy made ruling over an uncooperative Empire difficult and he was deposed by his nephew Arnold in 887.
Arnold would not be able to claim the entire kingdom however and the Frankish Empire split apart this time permanently. The divides between the two halves were too great to see oh by now Arnold merely retained the German Arry of the country east Frankia importantly. Arnold did not merely take the throne. He was elected by the nobility to be king the concept of electing leaders in Germany dated back to ancient times and as we shall see did not disappear any time soon. Arnold's reign would be marked by unsuccessful wars with the Slavs Vikings Moravians and Magyars he died in 899 and was succeeded by his six-year-old son. Ludwig the child who would only live to the age of 20 throughout - Ludwig's reign every corner of journey was ravaged by the Magyar horsemen furthermore the dukes of the various regions or duchies of east Frankia asserted more independence threatening to break the kingdom apart Ludwig the child died in the year in 911 as he last Carolingian king.
The Germans had to focus on their own affairs and elected a king from outside the Carolingian line rather than respect Charles's simple king of france's claim to the throne one such a fair was the Magyars who were a more major threat to the Germans than the Vikings which France was focused on Conrad Duke of Thuringia was elected to be their king the election of rulers was resurfacing as a common trend and that is here where we began to see the complex political structure of what would be called the Holy Roman Empire arise although Conrad did not receive the title of Emperor Rome that had gone to rulers in Italy at this point becoming essentially a reward the Pope gave out to any ruler who would help him. Conrad though King and name did not have much authority over the Dukes who made him King and he would struggle to assert his authority throughout his reign often fighting both his subjects and foreigners alike, he was more like a Grand Duke than King this power struggle between the monarch and Nobles of his semi-autonomous States that put him there would be another feature which would mark the Holy Roman Empire's existence in the long run Conrad would actually be severely wounded fighting the rebellious Bavarians and on his deathbed he proposed to his brother that Heinrich the Duke of Saxony should be the next king Heinrich was an enemy of Conrad but Conrad knew he was the man that could hold the nation together Conrad died in 1918 and the nobles appeared to agree with him electing Heinrich as her next king.
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