History of Germany Part -1

Deutschland in English we refer to this nation as Germany a name given to the region by the Romans who called the lands east of the Rhine Guerra Manya.


Germania the history of Germany is not necessarily the history of a single nation but of a people administering German nations a situation which is not only one of the ancient past but even one which the German people have faced in our modern age. This nation's history is fascinating  impressive and profound however much of  it is overshadowed by more recent events,  while the events of the first and  especially the second world wars with  Germany at the center of both are a  major historical importance. We must also discuss the hundreds in fact thousands of years of German history prior to these events to understand what Germany is in the big picture of things in this article.

The land we know as Germany was first inhabited by modern humans around 35,000 years ago. The Germanic peoples however arrived in the area nearly 3,000 years  ago as climate change prompted migration  from their origins southward from modern  Scandinavia and northern Germany it is  around this time that the Germanic  languages and cultures began to become  distinct from the people farther north  as they moved they encountered and  bordered other peoples such as the Celts  Slavs Baltic peoples and Scythian --zz  much of what we know of these early  people and their lives prior to Roman  contact comes to us from archeology  linguistic analysis and even genetic  testing written records of the peoples  of northern Europe in ancient times are  scarce. The earliest few written accounts are  fragments left from the fascinating yet  mysterious man known as pytheas aims  alia a Greek explorer in the 3rd century  BC more detailed descriptions come to us  from the Romans who ever expanding  inevitably came into more direct contact,  very direct contact one of the first  main interactions between the Germanic  tribes and the Romans was the Cambrian  War of 113 to 101 BC sparked as tribes  from modern Germany known as the Cimbri  tutto neighs and Umbro knees moved  further south as their land farther  north had become less hospitable. They would be defeated but this would only  mark the beginning of a long intense  relationship between Rome and the German  tribes the first to refer the Germans as  the get a money was Julius Caesar though. 


This classification was more about  geography than an actual analysis of the  people's living in the region who those  shared a number of similarities were  rather diverse linguistically and  culturally and far from unified they in  fact were often at war with each other. Those in Gaul were the Celts and those across the Rhine River were the Germans.  He described them largely as barbarians, they were a people who lacked towns and cities and who depended on primitive subsistence agriculture often leading very difficult lives in comparison to the Romans. They followed a form of paganism which was similar to others in Western Europe at the time specifically to Norse mythology with an emphasis on nature and the natural forces around them. They worshiped gods such as money to Wooden sooner and Frigg you were likely more familiar with these gods by the days named after them Mona dog two's dog Wooden’s dog thinners dog free dog. They litter spread to England after the fall of Rome via the Anglo-Saxons. Tacitus  later added to the Roman understanding  describing the Germans as a large people  with reddish hair and piercing blue eyes  referring to the 50 or so Germanic  tribes inhabiting the region at the time,  at times relations between the Romans  and the Germans were peaceful and  cooperative trade intermarriage and  other interactions took place at other  times. There was a brutal warfare under Augustus Caesar the Romans would actually attempt to expand into Guerre. 


Manya the area however was a much harder region to enter and subdue it in Gaul needs thick forested and marshy landscape were very foreign to the Italian Romans and heightened, their fears of the barbarians savages. They thought were living within them lack of roads and major towns made the logistics.  A nightmare for a large Roman army as they moved eastward the Romans would begin encroaching on the Germans. Further, they would build settlements such as Colonia and aqua granny which would become cities like Cologne and Aachen or a Lee Chapelle. The Romans attempted to  quickly subdue the Germany placing taxes  on them confiscating their weapons  replacing their old legal systems and  essentially taking some of them, particularly the sons of noblemen as  hostages these boys were raised in Rome  as Romans largely with the hopes that  they would return to guerre Manya loyal  to and cooperative with Rome in the end  though this process would come to a  backfire on the Romans one of these  Romanized Germans was a man named  Arminius known in German as Herman  Arminius was taken and put into the  Roman army being the son of a true skin  chief during a campaign into his  homeland under Quintilius Varis. He would  later defect to his native side and use  his knowledge of the roman army to  ambush and defeat them in September of  980 the Roman army was ambushed by  Arminius and an army of United German  tribes near Calque Reza and one is  remembered as a battle of Teutoburg  forest  around 20,000 Romans were brutally  decimated by the dramatic troops in one  of the most significant battles in Roman  history if not the most significant for  the Germans this was a great victory. 


Arminius was hailed as a great warrior and in the eyes of some is Germany’s first hero for the Romans. This was a horrible disaster they withdrew their designs of the province of Magna Garr. Manya preventing not only the  Romanization of Germany but even beyond  Arminius would continue to lead  perhaps envisioning himself as a future  king of all the air money but he was  murdered by political rivals before as  such a thing as a united German nation  could come to fruition and Germane are  returned to the disunited state of his  end prior to these events the main cause  of this, the concept of guerre Manya was  a Roman invention existing in the minds  of Romans but not in the hearts of the  many different peoples living in the  region at least not yet this would not  be the end of the story of Romano German  relations far from it in fact in the 2nd  and 3rd century AD has Rome started  showing signs of decay. The Germanic  tribes began coalescing and expanding  these tribes would have a significant  impact not only on Germany and in fact  not only on Europe but the entire Roman  Empire the Goths vandals franks alemanni Macke Romani very Angles Saxons Lombards  and so forth the Goths  would be the most troublesome to the  Romans of these groups raiding pillaging  and destabilizing many parts of the  Empire in the 4th century as the Huns  began moving westward pressure was  placed on the Germanic peoples and they  too were forced to move westward as the  Huns spilled into the borders of modern  Germany the Romans significantly  weakened at this point lack the power to  stop the massive waves of people  crossing their borders and settling in  her territories and instead attempted to  integrate them much of the army in fact  would later come to be comprised in a  majority by Germanic soldiers the  intention was for these foreigners to be  romanized in many ways. They were in the  4th century the ones in Rome were  Christianized and were introduced to the  advances of Roman society  350 AD the Bible was translated into the  Gothic language not exactly German there  was no German yet but it is an ancient  relative of German and even English  which perhaps you can see in this  comparison of text the Germanic peoples  who left behind their homeland were  adapting but they would not fully  assimilate into the Roman Empire rather  they would replace it as the Roman  Empire fell many of its successor states  were formed by or were taken over by  rulers from the Germanic tribes.


These  kingdoms would arise in many places even  as far as North Africa some of these  kingdoms would disappear the majority  would not become germanized but rather  the German rulers assimilated into the  native population but some such as the  anglo-saxon dominance in modern England  would be more permanent having a lasting  effect on the language and ethnic  identity of the people on the island  though never truly under Roman rule and  outside the main conflicts caused by  their Kin Hermana itself was still  directly impacted by the fall of the  Roman Empire in the coming centuries, it  would be thrown into conflict with Rome  successors dates from these conflicts  however would rise further uniformity  and cohesion among the Germans  though considered a dark age for many  reasons.


The early medieval ages were a  time in which we may find the roots of  modern Europe along with its cultures  languages and ethnic identities Germany  is no exception to this while the east  of the modern nation was at this time  inhabited by Slavs in the west and south  Franks Friesians Bavarians Saxons  Alemanni and their Indians were slowly  becoming more recognizably Germans the  Franks are of considerable importance.  They would unify the tribe and extend  beyond modern Germany power was  beginning his center around the Franks  and former Gaul under Clovis the first  of the Merovingian dynasty who became  king of the franks in a 481 Clovis began  to expand his domain with force and two  lands held by the last bastions of  Romans and other Germanic tribes by 5:08,  his empire extended throughout a large  share of modern Germany France and the  Low Countries it was in this year that  he made the decision to convert his  kingdom to Catholicism beginning  large-scale conversion of the people's  formerly outside the Christian Roman Empire.


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